About Westas

Westas Group is one of the largest private wood-processing companies in Finland. The Group has annual net sales of over EUR 120 million and an equity ratio of 39 per cent. Most of the company’s net sales is generated by sawmilling operations In Koski and Pori. Westas Group is a member of the Finnish Sawmills Association, which promotes the interests of the independent sawmill industry.

Long tradition in expertise and productivity

Westas Group is one of the largest private wood-processing companies in Finland. The Group has annual net sales of over EUR 120 million and an equity ratio of 39 per cent. Most of the company’s net sales is generated by sawmilling operations In Koski and Pori. Westas Group is a member of the Finnish Sawmills Association, which promotes the interests of the independent sawmill industry.

As Westas Group is dependent on forests, it is in the company’s best interest to ensure the wellbeing of Finland’s forest nature. Westas provides forest owners with a wide range of services to ensure that the forest continues to generate revenue. A well-managed forest is an ecologically and economically sustainable solution.